Tuesday, December 19, 2006

No power till Saturday ?!?

It was 47 degrees inside my bedroom when I woke up this morning.  And still no sign of a repair crew at the transmission pole that feeds our neighborhood.

From the official Puget Sound Energy site (updated 6pm Dec 18):

Two of three substations serving Mercer Island have been restored, with the third expected to be energized Monday evening. Many customers have regained service on the north half of Mercer Island. Full restoration of the island's heavily damaged distribution lines likely will continue late into the week, perhaps Friday or Saturday. Our electric system sustained tremendous damage on the island from falling trees and limbs.

Our neighbors were complaining among themselves about unfair it is that Mercer Island always seems to be last in line for help on disasters like this.  "They just assume everyone here is rich and can afford to stay overnight in hotels," says one.  "In fact, it's so bad that we probably won't have power before we leave for Hawaii on Wednesday".

And I'll have you know that the Westin was completely booked all weekend, so don't go assuming that all of us have it easy here!

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